Financial Trading

Made Clear

The focus of this website is to provide traders with useful information and services including trading strategies, back testing, programming, and even personal one to one coaching to help improve their trading results as fast as possible.

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Here's how I can help..

Trading Coaching


Work with me 1 to 1 to get tailored personal coaching sessions

Transparent Trader Youtube


100 + Free videos of Trading Strategies, Position sizing and proven Techniques


Have a trading strategy idea you want programmed or correctly Back Tested?

Trading Course


Fastest way to become consistently profitable.  Online Video Course

Although starting off trading stocks in 2008 my main focus is on the Forex and Futures markets these days.  I specialise in mechanical or rule based trading strategies,  also known as trading algorithms.  With the use of Multicharts, a trading and development platform I design and create trading strategies from just an idea to a fully working live trading system.

Here are some equity curves of trading strategies I have created showing the performance of over 10 years

USD/JPY Equity Curve


Multi - Day Price Action Strategy

GBP/USD Equity Curve


Intra - Day Time Based Strategy

USD/CHF Equity Curve


Multi - Day Time Based Strategy

EUR/USD Equity Curve


Multi - Day Price Action Strategy

If you would like to learn more about trading mechanical trading strategies which produce results like the above charts then you should enroll in my trading course by clicking the button below

What students say..

Thanks to Jarrod for highlighting the logic regarding mechanical trading.  

Using this method, the emotion is removed from trading. This is of huge benefit to new traders who may not, as yet, have developed the necessary discipline.  

Jarrod has a conscientious approach to imparting his knowledge and is keen to help aspiring traders develop their own strategy within the parameters he suggests.  

His unhurried and considered manner during his video lessons is one of his strengths and he puts over his thought process very well.

Thanks Jarrod!

After many years of up and down trading.  I realised that  proven mechanical systematic trading is the only way to make consistent and increasing profits.

You avoid mistakes, there's no guesswork, false hopes, endless indicators and no need to be glued to the screen.

Jarrod's course gives you a wealth of  precise information.  Everything you need and must know to become a successful mechanical trader.  With 6 proven mechanical systems - backtested over a decade - producing exceptional profits.

Best of all you can backtest them yourself and see how phenomenal they are.  And knowing you have the invaluable proof and knowledge - you can quickly and easily put it into action to help get the results you want.

Teaching Trading

From interacting with hundreds of traders over the years, even before I started this website I have realised a common problem. That is a lack of trading strategies which have a proven edge.  Which simply means by trading the same strategy time and time again you will make money in the long term.

Quite often a trader’s journey goes something like this: Open an account, place a few trades usually without any sort of a plan in place, have a few winning trades and feel good.  But then comes the inevitable losses.  There might only be one or two losses but big enough to wipe out any previous profits you made.  Now the realisation of how difficult trading can be sets in.

Those who are dedicated, determined and still in the game most often turn to books or websites like this one for help.

Why create this Website?

I started writing here more as a personal blog to document my own trading journey.  But as I started learning more and more useful skills and techniques I wanted to share them for others to use too.  I understand what it’s like to be a beginner trader with no experience.  I also understand the necessary steps which need to be taken in order to become a consistently profitable trader.  

These are steps I like to share with yo

These are steps I like to share with you!

These are steps I like to share with yo

Where to next?

If you have any trading problems or need help then have a look at my services and products above or email me directly

These are steps I like to share with yo

For constant updates of new content including videos and trading strategies join my newsletter by entering your email below

These are steps I like to share with yo

More about Jarrod..

From a young age:

Growing up in a small, quiet village in the south east of England I spent most of my childhood riding BMX bikes with friends.  If I wasn’t tearing around on 2 wheels I was fishing at one of 3 peaceful local ponds.

I was riding my first motorbike round a field at about 5 years old and then learnt to drive in a “scrap” Fiat 126 car at aged 9.  Bikes and cars have always been a big interest of mine.

It won’t surprise you to learn I also enjoyed model radio controlled cars.  Building and repairing my own from a very young age.  The electronics side of things was always of interest to me and I fondly remember teaching myself how to solder and build small electronics projects before the age of 10.

To this day electronics building and repair still fascinates me.

From the age of 4 to 11 I went to a very small village primary school and after that to a much larger secondary school until I could finally escape at 16!

I didn’t particularly enjoy school.  I didn’t mind maths and science classes but had little interest in anything else.

As a teenager I knew that I wanted to work on cars for a living.  School did very little to prepare someone for this career.

So when I left school I went to college and qualified in mechanical vehicle repair.  After a couple of years I “fell into” a job in a car bodyshop.  Here I repaired and repainted accident damaged vehicles.  

I loved paint spraying vehicles as I found it extremely satisfying.  I still do the occasional job nowadays but on a hobby basis and usually for a friend.

When did I begin trading and why?

Around 2008 after 10 years repairing cars I placed my first trade.  I remember being extremely cautious!  At this point I knew next to nothing about financial markets.

I just knew you could buy something one day and it could be worth more the next.

My first trades were buying shares in UK companies.  Trades were placed using a broker account at my bank and cost a whopping £15 + a percentage per trade.

Trades could be made over the phone or online.  Back then I was using a beaten up old laptop from about 2002 which sat in the corner of the workshop.  We had no wifi so I used an old 3g USB dongle.  If you don’t remember, this was a way of getting mobile internet if you had no wifi.  It was terribly slow but just about did the job and allowed me to keep up with the (delayed) share prices during the day.

Over the next 4 - 5 years I continued trading shares, then indices and Forex.

Dissatisfied with my overall results, in 2013 I worked with my first trading mentor who opened my eyes to rule based trading.

I then spent a few years manually testing and trading rule based trading strategies.  For anyone who has manually tested and logged trades in a spreadsheet knows how long this can take!

This website was born in 2015 along with my YouTube channel to document and share my trading ideas with the aim to help other fellow traders.

In 2016 I discovered 4 times World Cup Championship winner Andrea Unger.  I went through 3 of his extensive trainings which vastly improved my ability to design and develop my own trading strategies with the use of trading software MultiCharts.

Up to the time of writing this page I am still programming MultiCharts and Tradestation to develop my own trading strategies / algorithms.

Why Trading?

Up until my first trade, I had no exposure to the financial markets.  I didn’t even know any traders.  But I could see trading was a great opportunity to make money which didn’t directly require “trading time for money” like traditional “job” did.

I enjoy problem solving in all areas of life and in a way, trading the financial markets is a puzzle which can prove very lucrative if solved.

I was looking for a way to multiply my capital in a somewhat passive way but back in 2008 there were nowhere near the amount of opportunities to make money online as there are today.

So far my trading career has been full of learning, growth and reward.  It’s hard to imagine a time in the future when I won’t be trading the financial markets.

Thank you

I thank you for taking the time to learn a little more about me and hope I can help you too become a better trader.

That may be through the videos I publish on YouTube, training courses I offer or in person through one to one coaching.

5 things you might not know about me:

  1. Although I program trading strategies almost daily, I don’t have a formal programming background.  I am for the most part self taught.
  2. Health and fitness are a priority.  Exercising a minimum of 4 times every week.
  3. I am a keen motorcyclist but only when it’s warm and dry!  Currently I ride a couple of classic motorcycles I own which are both over 50 years old.
  4. I regularly play table football in a club and have played in competitions alongside world champions.  (But I’m way off world or even U.K champion level!)
  5. I prefer woodland and lakes to cities.  I’d take a log cabin over a penthouse in town any day.

Copyright 2025 by The Transparent Trader